Heather Sholander, DMD, MS; Madeleine Goodman, DMD

4818 Del Ray Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20814

Q What makes you stand out as dentists?
A Teamwork: Over the years we’ve developed a shared philosophy that treating the patient as a whole is more beneficial than the traditional specialty approach. It takes a team to help a child grow to his or her full potential. This includes not only a collaborative orthopediatric approach but also working with other specialists like speech therapists and pediatricians and most importantly, the child’s family. We strive to create an environment where we get to know each family individually and focus on their specific needs.

Q What is unique about your practice?
A Supporting others: Harmony has partnered with a wonderful non-profit called City Blossoms that develops kidfocused green spaces that supply food, community and the opportunity to learn through creativity and play. For every new patient, we support this cause by donating plants to help these gardens grow because we believe that health starts from the ground up!

Q How do you employ new technology to help your patients?
A Innovative Techniques. We are both board-certified specialists who strive to create a standard of care by integrating technology, research and experience. We have incorporated state-of-theart technology into our practice such as a digital scanner (no more yucky impressions) and virtual appointments for Invisalign patients. We also have a fancy dental laser which allows us to fill most cavities without having to numb!

Dr. Goodman is an orthodontist and past president of the Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists. Dr. Heather is a pediatric dentist and a Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. They have been practicing together in the area for over 10 years.